Saturday, June 30, 2012

Tompkins area industries... Crazy stuff here!

On Friday, before the evening railfanning activities began I made a side trek to Hialeah and North Miami areas. I caught one Tri-Rail but wanted to look at Hialeah Yard to see if anything was happening. Saw some decent train activity and learned of 8054 being the yard slug. I eventually made it up to Tompkins to see if this industry, Perez Trading, had the track still full of boxcars. Well... it was half of what it had, but I still got a good set of photos. Otherwise, I had good findings. This industrial park is really and truly a cool place to railfan. I wonder what fun a switching move would be to see. I believe either a midday or evening job works this area but will like to find out more.

 Perez Trading (above) had cars fill every last door to the point that it would almost make it to the street. Still a positive note seeing half of the cars there.
 A closer look at this covered hopper on the other end, which is almost to the street. A different customer here, United Oil.
A deeper look (above)
 Lance remarked about Higgins (Above) which at the Birds Eye time had a Canada hopper. Today, a BNSF hopper sits outside. I think grain or a dry bulk ingredient of dog or cat food is in it. This car was not there on Tuesday.
 There were about 6 high cube boxcars in this house track. Not abandoned! ;)
Meanwhile, the frequently worked gypsum customer in the back hasn't had that spot to the left on the main track.

Gordon Food Service fooled me into thinking they didn't take cars in on Tuesday but Friday told otherwise with that lone boxcar sitting on the second spot.

Railfanning video from Friday night:

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